Vehicle Class


The vehicle class makes it easy to apply steering behaviors to game characters. Don’t let the name fool you, this class could be used to move walking characters, space ships, and most things in between.  


class Vehicle




     void Step();

     void SetSteeringForce(Vector2D desiredVec, Vector2D lookVec);

     void Collide(Vehicle &other);


     Vector2D position;     //Current position

     Vector2D velocity;     //Current velocity

     Vector2D lookVec;      //Used internally to rotate the vehicle over time

     Vector2D forceVec;     //Used internally, acceleration vector


     float friction;        //Resistance to movement

     float wanderDir;       //A stored value needed for the wander behavior

     float direction;       //Current direction in degrees

     float maxAcceleration; //Pixels per second^2

     float maxVelocity;     //Pixels per second

     float maxRotation;     //Degrees per second

     float radius;          //For collision detection


     static Core* G;        //Set this pointer before using



The vehicle accelerates and moves realistically although the concept of mass and torque have been left out to make the class simple. The “Collide” function only prevents intersection based on the radius of the colliding objects, it does not alter their velocity.  2kb