Graphics & Sound


This tutorial will show you the very basics of loading images and displaying them on the screen. It will also show you how to add sound effects to your games. First, try compiling and running the project. You should see a button with the words “Click Here” in the center of the window. Left click on the button and you should hear a beep sound.



You’ll also notice that the text “Graphics & Sound” is displayed in the window’s title bar. That was accomplished using the following line of code:


G.Window.SetTitle("Graphics & Sound"); //Here I have changed the name of the window to "Graphics & Sound"

//You can change the window's name as often as you like. This can be used for debugging.



The name of the window can be changed before or after the window has been created. You can even use it to display debugging information such as the value of a variable while the game is running.



In order to add sound to the game, we need to create an instance of the sound engine class.


SoundEngine S; //Create an instance of the sound engine, Only make one!



Here I have named my instance of the sound engine “S”. But you can name yours whatever you want. You can have many sounds but you’ll only need one instance of the sound engine. The code below creates a sound and loads a wave file from the hard drive. The load function needs:  The file name, the address of the sound engine, a bool variable to tell it if this sound is 3D, and another bool variable to tell it if the sound should loop continuously. In this case, the sound we are loading is 2D and should play once and then stop. Make sure the file name and path are correct because if the sound file fails to load, the program will close!


Sound beep; //Create a sound


//The load function needs the file name of the sound and the address of the sound engine

beep.Load("Sounds/Beeps.wav", &S, false, false);



The sound engine has an “Update” function we need to call every step through the game loop. The sound engine wants to know how much time is passing per frame in seconds. We get that information from our instance of the Core class we named “G”. The following line of code can be placed anywhere in the game loop. I like to put it near the bottom.


S.Update(G.Timer.GetElapsedTime()); //The sound engine has to be updated continuously or the sounds stop playing!



To play a sound we simply call the play function. We can even play a sound that is already playing and hear multiple versions of it playing at the same time.





To stop a sound that is playing, use the following:








The Image class loads almost every image file type, jpg, gif(no animation), png, tga, and many more. It uses the DevIL API which is free and cross platform.


Note: The width and height of your image should be a power of 2. Many video cards perform poorly for odd sized graphics.


Examples: 2, 4, 8, 16, 32, 64, 128, 256, 512, 1024, 2048

Use the following code to load a graphic from the hard drive:


Image buttonImg;

buttonImg.Load("Images/ClickHere.png"); //Load the image from disk.



The png image I loaded for the button has transparent parts, the corners of the button. By default, all images are rendered without transparency. In order for the corners to appear transparent, I need to change the blending mode. Even though we are not using any shader effects in this example, the shader class can be used to change the blending mod (you can also use OpenGL commands if you prefer). “Blend” is a static member function of the Shader class which allows us to call it even though we have not created an instance of the class.






Rendering Modes:

0 - No Transparency (The default mode)

1 – Threshold Transparency, each pixel is either completely transparent or completely opaque

2 – Smooth Transparency, images use an alpha channel to display varying levels of transparency as they would in PhotoShop

3 – Additive Transparency, images add to the background and appear to glow. This mode can work with file types that don’t have an alpha channel such as jpg.

4 – Subtractive Transparency, The opposite of additive mode, it darkens the background.


A Sprite is an object that we apply images to. You can think of it as a sign, and the material is what gets painted on it. The sign can be moved, resized, and rotated. Here I created a Sprite and initialized its width and height.  Notice that the width and height do not have to match the image width and height. When the size does not match the image, the image will be stretched to fit.



Sprite buttonSpr(250.0f, 100.0f); //250 pixels wide and 100 pixels high

buttonSpr.x = 400.0f; //The horizontal position on screen

buttonSpr.y = 300.0f; //The vertical position on screen



And finally, to render the button on the screen we activate the image and then call the sprite’s render function.




buttonSpr.Render(); //Draw the sprite with the active image painted on it



Shader effects and blending will affect everything you render! So it's a good idea to turn them off when you're finished with them. In fact, some older video cards will run really slow if shaders are active when the screen refreshes. It's a good idea to turn them off when you are finished rendering your scene.



Shader::Deactivate(); //Turns off blending and any active shader  22KB